18 - 22 / 9 / 2023 亚洲国际博览馆 • 香港
20 - 24 / 9 / 2023 香港会议展览中心

18 - 22 / 9 / 2023 亚洲国际博览馆 • 香港
20 - 24 / 9 / 2023 香港会议展览中心


16 / 9 / 2024 (Mon)
2:30pm – 3:30pm
The Stage, 亚洲国际博览馆9号展馆



Richard W. Hughes
Lotus Gemology Co Ltd

Richard 是环球重要红宝石和蓝宝石专家,撰写了多本著作和 170 多篇文章,文章及照片收录于不同的出版物中。多年来,他赢得了众多的行业奖项,当中包括:

  • 2004 年:Gems & Gemology杂志颁发的“Edward J. Gübelin最有价值文章奖” (共同获奖者)
  • 2005年:美国宝石协会 (AGS) 颁发的“Richard T. Liddicoat 新闻奖”
  • 2010年:美国认可宝石鉴证师恊会 (AGA) 颁发的“Antonio C. Bonanno 宝石学卓越奖”
  • 2013年:法国宝石学协会 (AFG) 将Richard W. Hughes评为影响宝石历史的五十位重要人物
  • 2016年:获委任为上海同济大学客座教授
  • 2017 年:他及妻女出版《红宝石与蓝宝石 • 宝石学家指南》(Ruby & Sapphire • A Gemologist’s Guide),是累积了他40年来钻研宝石学的心血结晶。
  • 2018年:获Gem-A评为年度摄影师,表彰他在中国玉石交易市场拍摄的照片

    从2020至2023年,Richard担任宝石学家协会董事会成员,现任Gems & Gemology和The Australian Gemmologist 杂志编辑审查委员会成员,最新著作 Jade • A Gemologist’s Guide于2022年出版。在2023年,他更荣获Informa 旗下的JWA 大奖颁发“非凡40”荣誉。此奖项旨在表扬以创新的理念、不懈的动力和非凡的成就,为整个珠宝行业带来改变的翘楚菁英。

自古以来,玉一直被中国人所珍视,而佩戴玉器更是文人雅士品味和身份的象征。在国外,人们一般认为玉就是缅甸的翡翠,当中以深绿色为优质。然而,在中国人眼中,却以白色的美玉为佳。Lotus Gemology将介绍翡翠和软玉的不同产地,并向国际买家深入讲解中国人称之为“天堂之石”的美玉。

16 / 9 / 2024 (Mon)
3:40pm – 4:10pm
The Stage, 亚洲国际博览馆9号展馆



Martin P. Steinbach
Author – ‘Asterism – Gems with a Star’ and
‘Star Gems – A Fascinating World’

Martin P. Steinbach is one of the world’s leading experts on common, rare and very rare gems with a star effect (asterism). He is also the author of two books and a number of articles in trade and gemmological magazines. Already as a teenager, he was searching for crystals in mines and old pits. In Bangkok, during his first travels to Asia in 1982, he became deeply fascinated by the world of gems and became the first German to graduate from the Asian Institute of Gemological Sciences (AIGS). Back in Germany, he moved to Idar-Oberstein, the old gem city, and graduated at the Deutsche Gemmologische Gesellschaft (DGemG) as a gemmologist and diamond expert. In 1984, Martin established his own gem trading and gemmology consulting company. In 2016, he received the title of an “Accredited Senior Gemologist” from the Accredited Gemologist Association, San Diego, USA. Also in 2016, his lifelong dream finally came true: After more than 30 years of hard work, the realisation of his substantial (4kg) book “Asterism – Gems with a Star,“ covering absolutely every known aspect of star gems, was achieved. In Fall 2023, the next ultimate star was born: Martin published his new book, “Star Gems – A Fascinating World.” As a gem dealer, lecturer and avid collector, he has been travelling the world for over 40 years, searching for star stones, particularly to expand his private collection of star gems, one of the biggest of its kind. Martin continuously strives to cultivate new interests and create new collector and trade markets for the captivating 60 or so asteriated gems.

Gemstones have fascinated humans for centuries with their mesmerising colours and unique optical characteristics. One of the most enchanting phenomena is asterism. Derived from the Greek aster, meaning star, it refers to the appearance of star-shaped patterns that emerge when light interacts with certain inclusions within the gemstone. This natural phenomenon transforms the gem into a heavenly spectacle. Follow the voyage into the fascinating world of stars. They embody a sense of mystery and wonder, inviting us to contemplate the intricate beauty of the universe. Gems with a star serve as a timeless reminder of nature’s unparalleled artistry.

16 / 9 / 2024 (Mon)
4:20pm – 4:50pm
The Stage, 亚洲国际博览馆9号展馆



E. Billie Hughes
Lotus Gemology Co Ltd

E. Billie Hughes在两岁时首次参观宝石矿 (位于泰国),到四岁时已参观了美国蒙大拿州的三个主要蓝宝石产区。她在2011年毕业于加州大学洛杉矶分校,并于2013年获得英国宝石学协会FGA会员资格,其后共同创办了Lotus Gemology鉴定所。她在摄影和显微摄影方面卓有成就,曾在尼康小世界和 Gem-A 等多个比赛中获奖。她的研究重点之一是刚玉低温热处理,并就此主题于 2019 年获Accredited Gemologists Association授予宝石学研究资助。Billie是一位备受瞩目的讲者,曾在世界各地为卡地亚、梵克雅宝等机构发表演讲。



17 / 9 / 2024 (Tue)
2:00pm – 3:15pm
The Stage, 亚洲国际博览馆9号展馆




Shreyans Dholakia
Director and Brand Custodian
Shree Ramkrishna Exports Pvt Ltd (SRK)

Jacques Christophe Branellec is the CEO and Executive Vice President of Jewelmer. He aims to deepen the Philippine South Sea pearl’s roots through Jewelmer’s presence in over 15 countries, and by establishing the brand as a revered name in pearl jewellery worldwide. Recognised for his work in environmental conservation, Branellec holds the rank of Captain in the Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary and the Director of Save Palawan Seas Foundation. He also serves as the Vice President on the Pearl Commission of the World Jewellery Confederation (CIBJO) and is currently the President of the French Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines.

Yash Kothari

Rosario Autore, Founder & CEO of The AUTORE Group, has worked in the South Sea pearl industry for 38 years, having established 10 South Sea pearl farms across Australia and Indonesia. He is also a two-time finalist for Entrepreneur of the Year. In 2007, alongside his team, Rosario developed the industry’s first South Sea Pearl Classification Guide, a comprehensive overview of the five characteristics of South Sea pearls. This guide was developed to assist both the consumer and trade. Recognising AUTORE’s contribution to pearl education, the French Senate awarded him with a Medal of Distinction. When at the Head Office, Rosario is found at the grading tables, his quiet abode where he works on creating some of the largest and most lustrous strands to hit the market. From farming and distribution to design and marketing of the 11-time international award-winning jewellery brand, Rosario has a passion for pearling and is renowned for his creative and innovative approach across all aspects of the group.

Brijesh Dholakia
Hari Krishna Exports Pvt Ltd


Rosario Autore, Founder & CEO of The AUTORE Group, has worked in the South Sea pearl industry for 38 years, having established 10 South Sea pearl farms across Australia and Indonesia. He is also a two-time finalist for Entrepreneur of the Year. In 2007, alongside his team, Rosario developed the industry’s first South Sea Pearl Classification Guide, a comprehensive overview of the five characteristics of South Sea pearls. This guide was developed to assist both the consumer and trade. Recognising AUTORE’s contribution to pearl education, the French Senate awarded him with a Medal of Distinction. When at the Head Office, Rosario is found at the grading tables, his quiet abode where he works on creating some of the largest and most lustrous strands to hit the market. From farming and distribution to design and marketing of the 11-time international award-winning jewellery brand, Rosario has a passion for pearling and is renowned for his creative and innovative approach across all aspects of the group.


• 演讲嘉宾采取了什么措施来确保供应链的透明度和道德标准?
• 在他们的经验当中,哪些提升市场意识和教育的策略,能有效地推动顾客选择可持续珠宝?他们如何向客户传达负责任采购和制造的重要性?
• 展望未来,珠宝业如何继续推进可持续商业实践?有哪些行动和协作是至为重要的?

17 / 9 / 2024 (Tue)
3:15pm – 4:15pm
The Stage, 亚洲国际博览馆9号展馆



Hiroki Goto
General Manager
Kobe Branch, K Mikimoto & Co Ltd
Japan Pearl Exporters’ Association

Hiroki Goto began his career at the world’s most iconic luxury pearl jewellery brand in 1991. From 1991 to 2005, he worked in Sales at K. Mikimoto & Co., Ltd. In 2006, Hiroki was stationed at the Kobe Branch. By 2013, he was promoted to Branch General Manager.

Jens Knauer PhD
Aquaculture and Marine Conservation Consultant
The AUTORE Group

National Aquaculture Research Director
Australian Sustainable Seaweed Alliance

Jens Knauer is an Aquaculture and Marine Conservation Manager and holds both a MSc (Rhodes University) and PhD (James Cook University) in Aquaculture. He has more than 30 years of experience in aquaculture research, teaching and working in the industry across a range of species in South Africa, Australia and Indonesia, and 12 years with The AUTORE Group. He also has more than 10 years of experience with reef rehabilitation projects in Indonesia and Australia. Jens has a long-held fascination with the interaction between low-trophic aquaculture and marine conservation. He oversaw the Corporate Social Responsibility Programme of the Autore Group from 2013 to 2021, and established Autore’s first reef rehabilitation project in 2014. Jens is currently employed as the National Aquaculture Research Director of the Australian Sustainable Seaweed Alliance and continues to consult within The Autore Group with a focus on the marine conservation programme in Indonesia.

Jacques Christophe Branellec

Jacques Christophe Branellec is the CEO and Executive Vice President of Jewelmer. He aims to deepen the Philippine South Sea pearl’s roots through Jewelmer’s presence in over 15 countries, and by establishing the brand as a revered name in pearl jewellery worldwide. Recognised for his work in environmental conservation, Branellec holds the rank of Captain in the Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary and the Director of Save Palawan Seas Foundation. He also serves as the Vice President on the Pearl Commission of the World Jewellery Confederation (CIBJO) and is currently the President of the French Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines.

Dr. Rebecca Koss
Sustainability Manager
Paspaley Pearling Company Pty Ltd

Dr. Rebecca Koss is the Sustainability Manager at Paspaley Pearling Company. In addition to holding a Global Executive MBA, she has over 20 years of sustainability professional experience across both the public and private sector. Understanding that sustainability is good for business, Dr. Koss is passionate about helping businesses develop their sustainability strategy so that they can be leaders in their sector. She enjoys collaborating with all stakeholders and is currently the Chair of the Environmental Science Advisory Board at Deakin University, Australia.


• 可持续珍珠养殖如何有助保护海洋生物多样性?如何利用这些知识推动保育工作?
• 实施可持续养殖,对珍珠养殖小区可带来什么经济和社会效益?
• 可持续珍珠养殖的成功案例和实务,可否复制到其他宝石和珠宝领域?

17 / 9 / 2024 (Tue)
6:00pm – 8:00 pm
亚洲国际博览馆Arena Kitchen​



18 / 9 / 2024 (Wed)
2:00pm – 3:15pm




May Lau
Director of Social Impact
Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group


Jacques Christophe Branellec is the CEO and Executive Vice President of Jewelmer. He aims to deepen the Philippine South Sea pearl’s roots through Jewelmer’s presence in over 15 countries, and by establishing the brand as a revered name in pearl jewellery worldwide. Recognised for his work in environmental conservation, Branellec holds the rank of Captain in the Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary and the Director of Save Palawan Seas Foundation. He also serves as the Vice President on the Pearl Commission of the World Jewellery Confederation (CIBJO) and is currently the President of the French Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines.

Viral Kothari
Managing Director
Fine Jewellery Manufacturing Ltd

Viral Kothari is a GIA graduate and a supply chain management graduate from Michigan University. This exposure has enabled him to bring a fresh perspective to the table and is looking to broaden the horizons for the FINE Group. He has 18 years of experience in the Diamond and Jewellery Industry. He is one of the driving forces of sustainable business initiatives and ingraining the ethos of making jewellery with love for the planet, within the group. He is responsible for delivering the overall Marketing and Sales strategies and driving creativity for the group while building strong long-lasting relationships with clients and partners.

Zulu Ghevriya
CEO & Co-Founder
Smiling Rocks


Rosario Autore, Founder & CEO of The AUTORE Group, has worked in the South Sea pearl industry for 38 years, having established 10 South Sea pearl farms across Australia and Indonesia. He is also a two-time finalist for Entrepreneur of the Year. In 2007, alongside his team, Rosario developed the industry’s first South Sea Pearl Classification Guide, a comprehensive overview of the five characteristics of South Sea pearls. This guide was developed to assist both the consumer and trade. Recognising AUTORE’s contribution to pearl education, the French Senate awarded him with a Medal of Distinction. When at the Head Office, Rosario is found at the grading tables, his quiet abode where he works on creating some of the largest and most lustrous strands to hit the market. From farming and distribution to design and marketing of the 11-time international award-winning jewellery brand, Rosario has a passion for pearling and is renowned for his creative and innovative approach across all aspects of the group.



Jacques Christophe Branellec is the CEO and Executive Vice President of Jewelmer. He aims to deepen the Philippine South Sea pearl’s roots through Jewelmer’s presence in over 15 countries, and by establishing the brand as a revered name in pearl jewellery worldwide. Recognised for his work in environmental conservation, Branellec holds the rank of Captain in the Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary and the Director of Save Palawan Seas Foundation. He also serves as the Vice President on the Pearl Commission of the World Jewellery Confederation (CIBJO) and is currently the President of the French Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines.



• 演讲嘉宾实施了哪些关键的可持续发展举措,为企业、小区和环境带来了积极的改变?
• 他们如何实施负责任的采购和生产举措,在此过程中又遇到了哪些挑战?
• 当前珠宝行业面临的可持续发展挑战有哪些,我们又该如何有效应对?

18 / 9 / 2024 (Wed)
3:15pm – 4:15pm



Jacques Christophe Branellec

Jacques Christophe Branellec is the CEO and Executive Vice President of Jewelmer. He aims to deepen the Philippine South Sea pearl’s roots through Jewelmer’s presence in over 15 countries, and by establishing the brand as a revered name in pearl jewellery worldwide. Recognised for his work in environmental conservation, Branellec holds the rank of Captain in the Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary and the Director of Save Palawan Seas Foundation. He also serves as the Vice President on the Pearl Commission of the World Jewellery Confederation (CIBJO) and is currently the President of the French Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines.

Dr. Rebecca Koss
Sustainability Manager
Paspaley Pearling Company Pty Ltd

Dr. Rebecca Koss is the Sustainability Manager at Paspaley Pearling Company. In addition to holding a Global Executive MBA, she has over 20 years of sustainability professional experience across both the public and private sector. Understanding that sustainability is good for business, Dr. Koss is passionate about helping businesses develop their sustainability strategy so that they can be leaders in their sector. She enjoys collaborating with all stakeholders and is currently the Chair of the Environmental Science Advisory Board at Deakin University, Australia.

Rosario Autore
Founder & CEO
The AUTORE Group

Rosario Autore, Founder & CEO of The AUTORE Group, has worked in the South Sea pearl industry for 38 years, having established 10 South Sea pearl farms across Australia and Indonesia. He is also a two-time finalist for Entrepreneur of the Year. In 2007, alongside his team, Rosario developed the industry’s first South Sea Pearl Classification Guide, a comprehensive overview of the five characteristics of South Sea pearls. This guide was developed to assist both the consumer and trade. Recognising AUTORE’s contribution to pearl education, the French Senate awarded him with a Medal of Distinction. When at the Head Office, Rosario is found at the grading tables, his quiet abode where he works on creating some of the largest and most lustrous strands to hit the market. From farming and distribution to design and marketing of the 11-time international award-winning jewellery brand, Rosario has a passion for pearling and is renowned for his creative and innovative approach across all aspects of the group.

Chairman & General Manager
Hong Kong Edison Pearl Co Ltd

Dr. Rebecca Koss is the Sustainability Manager at Paspaley Pearling Company. In addition to holding a Global Executive MBA, she has over 20 years of sustainability professional experience across both the public and private sector. Understanding that sustainability is good for business, Dr. Koss is passionate about helping businesses develop their sustainability strategy so that they can be leaders in their sector. She enjoys collaborating with all stakeholders and is currently the Chair of the Environmental Science Advisory Board at Deakin University, Australia.


• 行业如何利用珍珠的可持续特性,吸引注重环保的千禧一代消费者?
• 如何透过说故事 (storytelling) 和教育来增强年轻消费者对珍珠的鉴赏和认识?
• 如何能够以更亲民的价格吸引千禧一代消费客群购买珍珠首饰, 同时确保不影响质量和可持续性?

19 / 9 / 2024 (Thu)
9:00 am – 11:00 am
香港会议展览中心 会议室N201

A presentation on the global diamond markets and
De Beers strategy



Al Cook
Chief Executive Officer
De Beers Group

Sandrine Conseiller
De Beers Brands

Paul Rowley
Executive Vice President Diamond Trading
De Beers Group


19 / 9 / 2024 (Thu)
11:30am – 1:30pm

Practical Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
in the Jewellery and Gemstone Industry

* 所有资料由活动主办机构提供


David Block
Sarine Technologies

David Block is CEO of the Sarine Technology Group, one of the world’s leading technology companies for the diamonds, gemstones and jewellery industries. Over the last 20 years at Sarine, David has played an instrumental role in the initiation, development and introduction of many of the revolutionary innovations the Group has brought to the diamond industry. Under his guidance, Sarine’s diamond planning systems have become the de facto standard for diamond manufacturing with over 100 million diamonds planned on these each year. In 2009, David led the rollout of the unmatched Galaxy technology for rough diamond inclusion scanning, enabling diamond manufacturers for the first time ever to accurately consider the diamond’s Clarity as an integral automated part of the planning process. For the past few years, Block has been spearheading Sarine’s introduction of similarly uniquely innovative technologies further downstream – to the wholesale and retail trade of polished diamonds. Amongst these advances are notably the first technology based artificial intelligence driven polished diamond grading, the most complete and least disruptive end-to-end solution for diamond traceability, the emerging standard for light performance analysis, as well as other digital solutions to enable today’s diamond retailers to better interact with their millennial customers. David holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from the Kellogg-Recanati School of Business, a joint degree from Northwestern University in the U.S. and Tel Aviv University in Israel, and a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the Tel Aviv-Jaffa Academic College in Israel.

Daniel Nyfeler, PhD
Managing Director
Gübelin Gem Lab

A geologist by formation, Daniel did his Master’s thesis in the Limpopo belt in Southern Africa. As part of his PhD in mineralogy at the University of Berne, he worked on a joint research project on superconductors at the IBM Research Lab in Rüschlikon, Zürich, together with Georg J. Bednorz (nobel prize in physics, 1987). He then joined an international management consultancy, where he worked for several years as a strategy consultant. Daniel took over the position of Managing Director of the Gübelin Gem Lab in 2003, overseeing the expansion of the lab to Hong Kong and New York. He was also in charge of the Provenance Proof initiative developing a range of technologies to bring transparency in the gemstone industry. Daniel is a member of the CIBJO Technology Committee as well as the CIBJO Laboratory-Grown Diamond Working Group.

Payal Shah

Payal Shah is the founder of L’ Dezen, a luxury fine jewellery brand that seamlessly blends contemporary design with traditional craftsmanship. With roots in Hong Kong and a global presence, she has dedicated her career to creating exquisite pieces that celebrate individuality and elegance. In addition to her work in the jewellery industry, Payal is an entrepreneur passionate about integrating innovative technologies into various business sectors. Her latest venture features an AI text-to-design tool that allows users to transform their imagination into endless design possibilities, which can then be produced into unique jewellery pieces.

Technology is always at the forefront of Payal’s innovation, keeping its brand relevant and ahead of market trends. She is also a content creator for her brands, sharing insights into her entrepreneurial journey and providing valuable knowledge and inspiration to her audience. Payal actively engages with her community, showcasing the behind-the-scenes processes of her businesses and the creative work involved.

Rocky Yu
Sales Director & early founding member
Picup Media

Rocky is the Sales Director and one of the early founding members of Picup Media, where he played a pivotal role in expanding the company’s client base from 2,000 to over 20,000 globally. Born in Hong Kong and raised in Sydney, Australia, Rocky joined Picup Media during his final year of university. This early start allowed him to gain in-depth knowledge of the jewellery industry, enabling him to understand its challenges and contribute to developing innovative AI solutions that help jewellers succeed in online sales.

Richa Goyal Sikri
Journalist and Author

Richa Goyal Sikri is an accomplished journalist, author, and thought leader in the luxury industry, with a particular focus on gemstones, diamonds, and jewellery. With over ten years of experience, Richa has established herself as a trusted voice in the field, known for her insightful analysis, compelling storytelling, and deep understanding of the global luxury market.

As a seasoned moderator, Richa brings her wealth of knowledge and her sharp, inquisitive mind to the stage, guiding conversations that are both engaging and thought-provoking. Her ability to distil complex topics into accessible insights makes her a valued presence at industry events worldwide.

Richa’s work has been featured in prestigious publications and she is the author of No Stone Unturned, a critically acclaimed book that delves into the world of African gemstones. Her passion for craftsmanship, responsible sourcing, and the evolving dynamics of luxury consumption positions her as a key figure in driving forward-looking discussions on these subjects.



This panel session aims to explore innovative strategies to attract a broader demographic and redefine pearl jewellery for the influential millennial consumer segment. Experts from pearl producers, top dealers and brands will come together to discuss the unique appeal of pearls to the younger generation of buyers, highlighting their extraordinary status as the only renewable gems in the world.

20 / 9 / 2024 (Fri)
10:30 am – 1:00 pm
香港会议展览中心 会议室S226-S227

行业论坛: 天然 珍稀 守护

* 所有资料由活动主办机构——香港钻石总会提供










20 / 9 / 2024 (Fri)
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
香港会议展览中心 会议室S226-S227​

2024 国际翡翠产地认证技术









Au Yan
Beijing Boguan International Auction Co., Ltd.


20 / 9 / 2024 (Fri)
3:00pm – 4:00pm



Austy Lee
Austy Lee Art Jewellery

中国香港设计师Austy Lee从事高级珠宝设计超过 20年。他以卓越的工艺、独特的主题,还有对稀有宝石的独到运用,创制出享誉业界的作品。Austy不但拥有超凡的艺术造诣,更锐意通过其时尚前卫的珠宝设计,为世界带来积极的影响。在2017年,这位屡获殊荣的设计师推出了同名珠宝品牌,主题是「When Jewellery is Psychedelic Art」,以迷幻图案为创作基调,并从宗教、新时代意念、平面设计和时装等多个领域汲取灵感。他的作品涵盖了不同的元素,包括工业美学、pop-punk、文化符号、当代象征主义和鲜艳的色彩等等;前卫、严谨、大胆的设计,奠定了他出类拔萃的个人风格。

Caroline Chartouni
Caroline C


Nisan Ongwuthitham
Nisan Ong / Ong Jewelry Design Co Ltd

Nisan 是泰国曼谷著名珠宝品牌 Nisan 的创始人和唯一的设计师。他不但钟情于艺术,更喜爱收藏绘画、雕塑和珠宝。正是他对艺术的激情和对珠宝的热爱,驱使他开展珠宝设计事业。Nisan的每件创作都展示了他独特的个人风格,细致地描绘各种情感与和谐感。他亲身参与每个系列的制作,在绘制详细的设计图前,会与创意团队进行深入讨论。他的每件作品都以手工制作,对细节一丝不苟,精心挑选每颗钻石和彩色宝石,以达至强烈的对比和效果。



• 珠宝设计师在创业初期面临哪些挫折,又如何将这些挑战转化为宝贵的学习经验?
• 建立品牌对珠宝设计师有何重要性?要有效地发展和推广自己的品牌形象,可以采取哪些重要步骤?
• 有哪些切实可行的策略,可以让设计师与供货商、制造商及其他相关业者建立牢固的合作关系?

21 / 9 / 2024 (Sat)

钻石观微 - 内含隐藏的奥秘

* 所有资料由活动主办机构提供



Austy, a native of Hong Kong, is a high-end jewellery designer with 20+ years of experience in the industry. Renowned for his exceptional workmanship, distinctive design themes and utilisation of rare gemstones, he has garnered a reputation for his outstanding creations. Beyond his artistic prowess, Austy is driven by a passion to make a positive impact on the world through his unique and fashion-forward jewellery pieces. In 2017, the multi-awarded designer launched his namesake jewellery brand. Embracing the theme “When Jewellery is Psychedelic Art,” Austy was inspired by psychedelic patterns, drawing influences from religion, new age concepts, graphic design and fashion. His unique style encompasses elements of industrial aesthetics, pop-punk influences, edginess, strictness, boldness, cultural references, contemporary symbolism and vibrant colours.

21 / 9 / 2024 (Sat)
2:00pm – 3:00pm

珍珠: 艺术与科学,从巴黎到香港

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Mathilde Rondouin

Mathilde是艺术史学家,专门研究欧洲装饰艺术。她持有德国海德堡大学颁授的哲学文学硕士学位,以及英国华威大学艺术市场及收藏历史文学硕士学位。 Mathilde来港以前一直致力研究利摩日餐具及法国瓷器生产品牌。她目前是L’ÉCOLE珠宝艺术学院的讲师。

Olivier Segura
Gemologist & Managing Director
L’ÉCOLE Asia Pacific, School of Jewelry Arts

Caroline’s journey as a jewellery designer exemplifies her lifelong passion for creativity. With a family legacy spanning three generations in the fashion industry, she carries forward a rich heritage of expertise in her craft. Caroline’s education in interior design and fashion design in Paris has honed her artistic flair, craftsmanship and deep admiration for the natural beauty of gemstones. Drawing inspiration from her travels, she sources the finest-quality stones to create unique pieces, offering collectors and connoisseurs a glimpse into a world where beauty seamlessly intertwines with craftsmanship. The multi-awarded designer is affectionately referred to as the “Queen of Paraiba” due to her love for the mesmerising neon-blue stone. However, her enchantment extends to other gems as well, including opals, tanzanites and diamonds, to name just a few.

What is a pearl? What is it made of? Where can we find pearls around the world? During this talk, we will investigate the pearl through both a gemmologist and historian’s eyes.

Thanks to archaeologists, we now know humans started to use the pearl as an ornament since prehistoric times. From the West to the East, the pearl has embodied beauty, power and fashion or even spirituality.

High Jewellery Maisons have used pearls in their creations for over a hundred years, but jewellery designers all around the world, and in Hong Kong, are still fascinated by this material!

Join our two speakers for a journey into the world of pearls, a biogenic gem as famous as it is mysterious. This talk will be given on the occasion of Jewellery & Gem WORLD Hong Kong’s main theme, “Orient Odyssey.”

Keep me update on:

寰亚盛会 | 六月香港珠宝首饰展览会
环球盛事 | 九月香港珠宝首饰展览会